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Showing posts from August, 2010

Homecoming Game

Sandy said Orange and I thought Blue Homecoming colors and aluminum bleachers She saw the promise of infinite change And I saw the Danbury High School Hatters Sandy said Orange and I remember Ridiculously hot cocoa and an aluminum chill Cable knit sweaters and army wool blanket She saw the future and an infinite thrill. I wondered what is now and she wanted what will.


Peace reverberates in the rattle of a cat’s purr It slips between the dust dancing in a shaft of sunlight (The one you played with in your Grandmother’s dining room) Peace expands with each beat of your heart to canvas your town with a blanket of your best intentions. It is a whisper from your soul to your best friend’s ear. Peace is ego. It is self-important and satisfied. It is the sum of crumbs on a plate And the notch of a belt loosened. Peace knows where it is going So well that it never needs to leave. It does not doubt. Peace lands on your skin with the impact of a snowflake It is delivered with a lover’s touch And infects you with a long, languid implosion. Peace throws a leg from under the covers And over the side of the bed. It leaves its clothing on the bedroom floor. Peace chooses its orbit and watches from above It is patient and waits for an invitation Peace is passive as it witnesses our wars. It is a pedestrian waiting at the crosswalk It knows ...