Apprehending the Atlas, Pondering its problems. Its all wrong. Stay calm world, I've got this. Got a box of Crayolas. Look from the box to the map. Is sixty-four enough? There's a lot of work to do. Colored wax to the rescue! Where to start? Where to start? Where to start? Big problems. That's it. Hot spots. Get them fixed. Jerusalem. Everyone wants it. Jews. Muslims. Christians. We take complex toys from toddlers and shelve them So, out goes Jerusalem. (I'm going to need the Holy Blue Uh, Cerulean? Close enough) Where to put it? Greenland! Perfect. Plop it down. The Dome of the Rock. The Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre resting on glaciers and Inuit bones. Denmark controls Greenland? Whoops, sorry about that Danes. Think of the tourism A hundred million pilgrims are pointed your way. You might want to put on the coffee. Australia catches my eye. It looks suspicious loitering down there in the corner All of th...
A Collection of Poetry