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Showing posts from January, 2011


It's the shadow of this thought into which I've fallen. This well of plots and characters left unwritten. Thank you for the nudge but I don't remember meeting you Oh! Yes, we made love so sorry it's the shadow of this thought through which a vision of you must swim. Now I remember the taste of your skin. Please take your place among the cast as I step away and fall And fall And fall away. I forgot to pay this bill? Sorry. It's this shadow of this thought into which I've fallen. Chasing a naked girl Correcting an injustice to make it right. Sinned? Me? No, just walking and thinking in a world of gray or into a world of citrus and thinking and thinking away. Maybe we met when I knew your name and you mattered in that moment but my heart beats in the shadow of my skull making you suspicious of me. I know and I know which way the world turns toward the bright and the loud, leaving the rest to live in shadows. Doubly darkened by the sha